Marlins' season paused as coronavirus outbreak hampers club


Sep 18, 2006
The Miami Marlins will press pause on their season to focus on the health and safety of their players as a coronavirus outbreak has struck the team, the league announced.

Sportsgrid’s Craig Mish first reported that the Marlins games were going to temporarily be on hold. Major League Baseball later released a statement on the issue.

The league announced that Marlins games would be postponed through Sunday. MLB also said that games between the Philadelphia Phillies and New York Yankees would be postponed as well. The Yankees would start a home-and-home series on Wednesday against the Baltimore Orioles

"The health and safety protocols were designed with a challenging circumstance like the one facing the Marlins in mind. The response outlined in the joint MLB-MLBPA Operations Manual was triggered immediately upon learning of the cluster of positive cases, including contact tracing and the quarantining and testing of all of the identified close contacts. The Marlins’ personnel who tested positive remain in isolation and are receiving care," MLB said in a statement.

"In over 6,400 tests conducted since Friday, July 24th, there have been no new positives of on-field personnel from any of the other 29 Clubs. This outcome is in line with encouraging overall data since the June 27th start of testing. Through last Thursday, July 23rd, 99 of the 32,640 samples – 0.3% – had been positive.

"The difficult circumstances of one Club reinforce the vital need to be diligent with the protocols in all ways, both on and off the field. We will continue to bolster our protocols and make any necessary adjustments. The realities of the virus still loom large, and we must operate with that in mind every day. We are confident that Clubs and players will act appropriately, for themselves and for others, and the data provides reason to believe that the protocols can work effectively."

At least four Marlins players tested positive for the coronavirus prior to Sunday’s game against the Philadelphia Phillies. The Marlins and Phillies played anyway but the positive tests at that time appeared to be just the tip of the iceberg.

On Monday, several additional players reportedly tested positive for the coronavirus. The Marlins were forced to postpone games between the Baltimore Orioles because of it. The Phillies’ series against the New York Yankees was also placed on hold.

On Tuesday, The Athletic reported that four more players tested positive, bringing the total number to 17 positive cases.

MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred addressed the situation on MLB Network on Monday.

"I don't put this in the nightmare category," he said. "We don't want any player to get exposed. It's not a positive thing, but I don't see it as a nightmare.”

He continued: “We built the protocols to allow us to continue to play. That's why we have the expanded rosters. That's why we have the expanded pools of additional players. We think we can keep people safe and continue to play."

The growing number of cases could signal trouble for the Marlins, an issue Manfred said would have to be addressed when it actually happens.

“A team losing a number of players that rendered it completely non-competitive would be an issue that we would have to address and have to think about making a change -- whether that was shutting down the part of a season, the whole season, that depends on the circumstances," he said.

He continued, "The same thing with respect to league-wide. You get to a certain point league-wide where it does become a health threat and we certainly would shut down at that point."

So far, MLB owners reportedly have not discussed canceling the entire season.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Just a matter of time before expert physicians hand selected by the Libs shut it down.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Just a matter of time before we realize how wrong the hyperbolic reaction and politicalization of a serious matter is

The Barr hearings yesterday prove where their heads and hearts are
Feb 20, 2002
Just a matter of time before the expert physicians shut it down...

It may be for the best.

It would be nice to essentially end this C-19 mess in just a few weeks & get "back to normal":

This is how the U.S. could 'virtually eliminate' coronavirus in weeks: Ex-Obama health chief

TORONTO -- The U.S. could “virtually eliminate” the coronavirus in a “matter of weeks” if the country enacts several strict measures to bring down the number of new cases, according to a former health official under the Obama administration.

Andy Slavitt, the Acting Administrator of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) during much of former president Barack Obama’s second term, said it’s possible for the U.S. to return to a “reasonably normal” existence, if “we want to.”

In a 40-tweet-long thread on Sunday, Slavitt laid out how the country could completely reopen in October, if they “threw the kitchen sink at COVID-19” right away.

Slavitt’s “kitchen sink” comprises six major points of action that would need to be implemented right away:

  1. Enact universal mask-wearing in every state.
  2. Keep hot spots, such as bars, restaurants, churches, and transit, closed. In order to do this, Slavitt said the government would have to extend employment insurance and understand the economy would take a several-week hit.
  3. Prohibit interstate travel.
  4. Prohibit travel into the U.S. This shouldn’t be difficult, Slavitt said, because “no one will let us into their country.”
  5. Set up hotels for people with symptoms to isolate from their families at no cost.
  6. Introduce a “90 per cent lockdown,” which would mean even those who were previously considered essential, such as truck drivers, those picking crops, or those working in healthcare, would stay home too. Slavitt said the lockdown in the U.S. in March and April was only 50 per cent.

While he acknowledged it would be a “tough few weeks,” Slavitt said Americans would still be able to be outside, enjoy nature, and gather safely with friends.

“Our grandparents who lived through a decade long depression, a 6 year world war, or whatever hardship they faced in their country would tell us we would make it,” he tweeted.

After the lockdown measures have been lifted, Slavitt didn’t promise the virus would be completely gone, but he said testing and contact tracing would be much more manageable.

“While we do this, what else happens? Well our nurses & doctors can catch their breath, recover & go back to healing our other issues. We hug our parents again. Our scientists can work on vaccines they can get right & safe. They can be speedy without rushing,” he said.

Slavitt said people will still have to take precautions, such as wearing masks in larger settings and elevators, but the sacrifice will be worth it if they can get the outbreak under control.

“We will do this. There is no other way. The question is when. The question is who will convince us. The question is the leadership it takes. But there’s not much question if we should,” he said.

continued at:

New member
May 24, 2018
People who shut down have spikes months later. So no, a full scale shut down does not "end this," as erroneously suggested by the forum moron.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011
[h=1]Dr. Anthony Fauci Opposes Controlled Study on Effectiveness of Masks[/h]

Aug 9, 2016
Has it been confirmed that some Marlin players were out parting in hotlanta? I think that should be considered and if true, let the infected players quarantine and put in players that are not positive no matter how competitive the team is.
Feb 20, 2002
People who shut down have spikes months later. So no, a full scale shut down does not "end this," as erroneously suggested by the forum moron.

The plan was "suggested" not by me but by the "Ex-Obama health chief".

And nobody said it would end C-19, Ricky Retardo.

Go back to elementary school so you can learn how to read.

Sep 21, 2001
People who shut down have spikes months later. So no, a full scale shut down does not "end this," as erroneously suggested by the forum moron.

Yeah, FL and CA locked down on March when NY had all the cases - it worked - and then we came out of the lock down - I guess we could stay in continual lockdown for a 3-4 years until the virus is gone - makes sense

New member
May 24, 2018
The plan was "suggested" not by me but by the "Ex-Obama health chief".

And nobody said it would end C-19, Ricky Retardo.

Go back to elementary school so you can learn how to read.

You reported me for calling you a "faggot" and yet here you are calling someone retarded.

Would you call people retarded in front of your mother? What about people with disabilities?

If you had an ounce of credibility, you'd report your own post.

New member
May 24, 2018
Yeah, FL and CA locked down on March when NY had all the cases - it worked - and then we came out of the lock down - I guess we could stay in continual lockdown for a 3-4 years until the virus is gone - makes sense

As many have proven, there is no way out of this without death and despair.

Calculated measures that isolate the vulnerable and allow everyone else to live their lives is obviously the best case scenario here, but liberals keep shrieking about shuttering the global economy to save everyone. It's sad that we live in a world where morons have so much power.
Feb 20, 2002
You reported me for calling you a "faggot" and yet here you are calling someone retarded.

Would you call people retarded in front of your mother? What about people with disabilities?

If you had an ounce of credibility, you'd report your own post.

Quite a number of your posts obviously qualify under this definition of "retarded":

very foolish or stupid.
"in retrospect, it was a totally retarded idea"

As any intelligent person should realize.

Do you deny any of this? Or are you just not intelligent enough to realize the plain truth?

What gives you the idea i reported you for calling me a "faggot"? Did you get a reprimand or infraction from the moderators? If so, then it could conceivably have been a moderator who was reading & saw what you posted or any of dozens of Rx members who reported you.

Would you call people a faggot in front of your mother? Or people who are homosexual?

If the being rude rule is not in effect here or not being enforced, then am i not free to say whatever the fuck i want to the retards here? Especially the foaming at the mouth types who talk to me that way because they fail in the reason, logic & intelligence departments.


New member
May 24, 2018
That's a long rambling post to admit you're a cowardly hypocrite.

Retarded is an offensive word in 2020. Same as faggot. You report people for using the word faggot, yet you yourself use the word retarded.

You're a little bitch dude. You prove it every post you make.

Just so you understand basic logic, I'm not a hypocrite because I think people should be able to use whatever words they want to use without being reported by cowardly bitches like yourself. See how that works? You can call me a faggot or a retard if you want. But if you report people for using offensive language and then use offensive language yourself, you're obviously a hypocrite.

Enjoy your skull fucking.
Feb 20, 2002
That's a long rambling post to admit you're a cowardly hypocrite.

Retarded is an offensive word in 2020. Same as faggot. You report people for using the word faggot, yet you yourself use the word retarded.

You're a little bitch dude. You prove it every post you make.

Just so you understand basic logic, I'm not a hypocrite because I think people should be able to use whatever words they want to use without being reported by cowardly bitches like yourself. See how that works? You can call me a faggot or a retard if you want. But if you report people for using offensive language and then use offensive language yourself, you're obviously a hypocrite.

Enjoy your skull fucking.

I admitted no such thing.

What gives you the idea i reported you for calling me a "faggot"? Did you get a reprimand or infraction from the moderators? If so, then it could conceivably have been a moderator who was reading & saw what you posted or any of dozens of Rx members who reported you.

Would you call people a faggot in front of your mother? Or people who are homosexual?

If the being rude rule is not in effect here or not being enforced, then am i not free to say whatever the fuck i want to the retards here? Especially the foaming at the mouth types who talk to me that way because they fail in the reason, logic & intelligence departments.
Nov 8, 2012
That's a long rambling post to admit you're a cowardly hypocrite.

Retarded is an offensive word in 2020. Same as faggot. You report people for using the word faggot, yet you yourself use the word retarded.

You're a little bitch dude. You prove it every post you make.

Just so you understand basic logic, I'm not a hypocrite because I think people should be able to use whatever words they want to use without being reported by cowardly bitches like yourself. See how that works? You can call me a faggot or a retard if you want. But if you report people for using offensive language and then use offensive language yourself, you're obviously a hypocrite.

Enjoy your skull fucking.

wait wait wait

didnt you call me retarded 2 different times 2 or 3 days ago?

holy call we have a hypocrite and a troll here

oh, no need to respond. Your credibility here may worse than x’s

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